Case studies


Facade replication

By using the latest digital technology our designers can create a full size replication of any buildings facade, whether it's an ancient monument or building to a modern architectural designed building. The facade replication can be worked from photographs or scaled drawings to create an exact copy. Alternatively our designers can produce a computer generated image representing the facade. The choice of replication will be recommended by us subject to the details available.

This concept is suitable for historic buildings, monuments or buildings within conservation areas which are undergoing renovation, and that will benefit from protection of their identity. This will pro-actively enhance and enrich the site to protect the buildings image. A new attraction which ensures that visitors experience what they have come to see.

Facade replication case studies

Artistic work

Bring interest, attraction and even fame to your building through developing a creative canvas with artistic value. This can be delivered by creating the opportunity for a narrative story, a piece of modern art or historical context that will attract the attention of the passer by and even the press.

The opportunities are wide and varied, from simple to intricate, from plain to colourful, from serious to humorous. What is important is that you will be noticed.

Artistic work case studies

Marketing & promotion

Protect and enhance your brand by taking this opportunity to screen your building from unsightly building work. By allowing us to shroud your building with your own message provides not only a high quality scaffold screening which complies with health and safety regulations but ensures that you benefit with a memorable and 'stand out' marketing communication. Self promotion at an affordable level.

Marketing & promotion case studies