What we do

Selfridges, Oxford Street, London

R&R provide a unique and specialist opportunity in enabling unsightly facades and scaffolds to be covered in an eye catching and memorable visual screen during the period of restoration or development works.

For over 10 years the team behind Renew & Reveal have been successfully and skilfully wrapping and shrouding buildings with large scale printed canvasses and screens which dramatically improve the visual impact.

This stunning technique also provides the property owner, developer, tenant or custodian with a number of unique 'communication' opportunities.

Bring attraction and attention to your building by allowing us to deliver:

Renew & Reveal have a host of solutions - from re-creating a full sized faced replication, such as the St Paul's Cathedral shroud to creating a stunning visual piece of art such as Sam Taylor Woods '15 Seconds' displayed on to scaffold at Selfridges London store.

From promoting a brand or major event on a huge scale, to creating a piece of art, the message will be unmissible and memorable.

Could you benefit from what we do?